1·Because the phenomenon of food clogging exists in the prior art, a covering cap on the pressure-limiting valve is pushed away and other accidents occur to make the user feel insecurity.
2·If you stare at one quadrant, your visual cortex will emit a corresponding frequency, which is detected by an electrode cap covering your head.
3·There is also talk of a more limited cap-and-trade system, covering the power utilities, which are reconciled to the idea, but excluding the oil industry, which is still fiercely resisting it.
4·For the past three years, the vast cap of shining-white ice covering the Arctic has melted away in summer to an area that would have been unbelievable just a decade ago.
5·Calyptogen a layer of meristematic cells covering the root apical meristem in some plants (e. g. grasses) that gives rise to and maintains the root cap.
6·With the ice cap covering most of the island, the west coastal area is the only place habitable.
7·HOW TO USE:?Before bathing, pile up hair and put the cap on head, fully covering hair. ?After bathing, take off the cap and hang it up for drying.
8·The protective cap or hood covering the spore case of a mossor related plant.
9·Or the crystals, which are sharp, needle-like structures, poke their way through the cap covering the cholesterol deposit, like nails through wood.
10·In accordance with the present invention, a liner for a hat, cap or similar head covering comprises a layer of moisture absorbent material which is backed by a layer of moisture impervious material.